Welcome to Congo Progress Pulse

Congo Progress Pulse builds and operates off-grid Primary and Secondary institutions in the DRC. We are rooted in education, sustainability, and social justice. We empower communities with no to limited access to water, power, food, and learning resources. 
 We are a Canadian-based not-for-profit acting in the Democratic Republic of Congo's underserved communities. 
Most of the cobalt and rare minerals used to power our everyday lives are mined in the Congo. The profits from mining activities in the Congo generated war that cost the lives of nearly 10 million men, women, and children. The Congo runs on a low budget and global institution debt relief programs with a GDP per capita of 50 billion USD with a population of 100 million. The average Congolese engaged in the workforce survives on less than $2 per day(us). As a result, the education system in the DRC is one of the poorest on the planet. Our intervention will increase the school attendance rate, decrease child labor and promote community improvement . 

Our academies responds to the need of tens of millions of children across the Congo who are in dire need of our support as compassionate human beings.

Who we are.

Congo Progress Pulse is a network of proactive people worldwide, concerned citizens driven by a similar urge to participate in the prosperity of the Congo. We feel connected to the people and their struggle for a stronger future. The Central African nation is more relevant today than ever.

We believe in the power of solidarity and citizen initiative to bring impactful changes in our world. We bring our resources and expertise together to solve one the most complex humanitarian crisis in the 21st century.

Where do we start?

We begin with building schools to promote primary and secondary education, improving the lives of the Children of the Congo within their communities today. Congo Progress Pulse goes within underserved communities to bring resourceful programs and facilities that change the lives of millions of children in the DRC.


Congo Progress Pulse's mission is to serve all children's right to receive a resourceful primary and secondary education in a sane and peaceful environment. One of our missions is to show our students the power of clean energy production by means of solar power system and biogas system. Our school designs aligned with the Congo's most abundant natural resources: Sun, Water, and Earth. By tapping into the resources of the DRC, our off-grid schools are providing the most essential elements to underserved communities: Potable water, constant energy, and stable nutrition. Our facilities architecture promote and improve local construction methods e.i Clay brick and explore in house organic farming as a way to offer a sustainable nutrition to our students and staff.

Social Justice

The existing social condition in the Congo is a result of 500 years of conquest, slavery, civil war, exploitation, colonialism, neo-colonialism, and foreign political interference. Our world today would not be the same without the Congo enslaved people deported to the Americas under the rule of the Kingdom of Portugal, without the victims of rubber extraction under Belgian King Leopold II, and without its uranium extracted during WWII. In the extraction process of wood, oil, gold, diamond, rare metals, etc., millions of children are forced to work in mines to help feed their families or engage in street commerce and merchandise cargo lifting.